Apr 4, 2023

6 Sustainability Tips for Commercial HVAC That Also Save Money

6 Sustainability Tips for Commercial HVAC That Also Save Money

As business owners seek ways to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable, they often overlook their commercial HVAC systems. However, making some simple changes to your HVAC system can have a big impact on your sustainability efforts – and your bottom line.

Reduce wasted energy by 5-10% by regularly changing HVAC filters

Most business owners know that regularly changing their commercial HVAC filters is important for maintaining optimal system efficiency and reducing energy costs. However, many don’t realise that changing filters can actually help reduce wasted energy by 5-10%.

Here’s how it works: as filters become clogged with dirt and debris, they restrict airflow and cause your system to work harder to circulate air. This not only decreases efficiency, but it also uses more energy - which ultimately drives up your energy bills.

So, how often should you be changing your commercial HVAC filters? It depends on a number of factors, including the type of filter you’re using, the size of your system, and the level of dirt and debris in your facility. However, a general rule of thumb is to change your filters every 1-3 months.

By following this simple maintenance tip, you can help reduce wasted energy and keep your energy costs down.

Save hundreds of dollars a year with programmable thermostats

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save money. One way you can save hundreds of dollars each year is by using programmable thermostats for your commercial HVAC system.

Programmable thermostats allow you to schedule when your HVAC system turns on and off. This means you can have your system turn off when your business is closed or during times when there aren’t many people around. This can save you a significant amount of money on your energy bill each month.

In addition to saving money, programmable thermostats can also help to extend the life of your HVAC system. By turning off your system when you don’t need it, you’re preventing it from working harder than it needs to. This can help to prolong the life of your system and avoid costly repairs down the road.

If you’re looking for a way to save money on your business’s energy bill, consider using programmable thermostats. This simple change can help you save hundreds of dollars each year.

Reduce commercial HVAC maintenance costs by 40% with regular quality maintenance

Most building managers know that proper maintenance of their HVAC system is important to ensure its longevity and efficiency. However, many overlook the significant role that regular, quality maintenance plays in reducing commercial HVAC maintenance costs by up to 40%.

A well-maintained HVAC system will not only last longer, but will also operate more efficiently, leading to lower energy costs. In addition, regular maintenance can help to identify potential problems before they become major repairs.

There are a few key things that should be included in any quality HVAC maintenance program:

  • Inspect and clean all filters on a regular basis. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce energy costs and extend the life of your HVAC system.
  • Inspect and clean all coils and fans. coils and fans can become clogged with dirt and dust, which reduces their efficiency and can cause them to fail prematurely.
  • Inspect and clean all the ductwork. Leaky or dirty ductwork can waste a lot of energy, so it’s essential to make sure it’s in good condition.
  • Inspect and lubricate all moving parts. This will help to ensure that your HVAC system is operating

Improve HVAC efficiency by 20% by properly sealing heating and cooling ducts

If your business has a central heating and cooling system, there’s a good chance that some of the air your system produces is being wasted. In fact, studies have shown that as much as 20% of the air produced by central HVAC systems is lost due to leaks and holes in the ductwork.

The good news is that this wasted air can be easily recaptured, and your HVAC system can be made much more efficient, by simply sealing the ductwork.

There are a number of ways to seal ductwork, but the most effective is to use mastic sealant. Mastic is a thick, tar-like substance that can be applied to ductwork with a brush or roller. Once it dries, it forms a very strong bond that will seal even the smallest leaks.

Applying mastic sealant is a relatively simple process, but it’s important to do it right in order to get the best results. First, the area around the leak should be cleaned with a degreaser or solvent to remove any dirt, dust, or oil. This will help the mastic to form a stronger bond.

Once the area is clean, the mastic can be applied. It’s important to apply a thick layer of mastic, as it will shrink as it dries and a thin layer may not be enough to seal the leak.

After the mastic has been applied, it needs to be allowed to dry completely before the area can be used. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a day, depending on the temperature and humidity levels.

Once the mastic has dried, your ductwork will be sealed and your HVAC system will be much more efficient. You may even notice a decrease in your energy bills!

Improve efficiency by 5-20% with HVAC upgrades and/or HVAC replacement

As the cost of energy continues to rise, many business owners are looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption and improve their bottom line. One of the most effective ways to do this is to upgrade or replace their HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system.

An inefficient HVAC system can waste a lot of energy, and money, by not heating or cooling your business properly. By upgrading to a more efficient system, you can improve your heating and cooling efficiency by 5-20%. This can lead to significant savings on your energy bill, and pay for itself in a relatively short period of time.

There are a number of different factors to consider when upgrading or replacing your HVAC system. The first is the size of the system. A system that is too small will have to work harder to heat and cool your business, leading to higher energy consumption and bills. Conversely, a system that is too large will also be less efficient, as it will cycle on and off more frequently.

The age of your HVAC system is also important. Older systems are often much less efficient than newer ones. If your system is more than 10 years old, it is probably time for an upgrade.

The type of system you have is also important. Older, less efficient systems often use more energy to heat and cool your business. Newer, more efficient systems use less energy and can often be controlled remotely, which can further improve efficiency.

Finally, the location of your HVAC system is important. If your system is located in an area that is not well-insulated, it will have to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This can lead to higher energy consumption and bills.

Optimise HVAC sustainability by working with a qualified HVAC contractor

As energy prices continue to rise, commercial HVAC systems are under increased pressure to operate more efficiently. One way to optimise commercial HVAC sustainability is to work with a qualified HVAC contractor who can help you assess your system and make recommendations for improvements.

A qualified HVAC contractor will have the knowledge and experience to properly evaluate your system and make recommendations for improvements that will help your system operate more efficiently. In many cases, simple changes such as sealing ductwork and improving insulation can make a big difference in energy savings.

In addition, a qualified HVAC contractor can also help you select energy-efficient equipment when it’s time for a replacement. Today’s HVAC systems are much more efficient than those of just a few years ago, so upgrading to a newer, more efficient system can have a significant impact on your energy bills.

Working with a qualified HVAC contractor is the best way to ensure that your commercial HVAC system is operating as efficiently as possible. By making some simple changes, you c

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